
The BioImp subteam worked with Hollenbeck, a cider mill located in Cortland, NY. One byproduct of cider production is leftover apple pulp called pomace, which Hollenbeck sells as cattle feed. However, Hollenbeck was also interested in installing an anaerobic digester (AD) to process the pomace, and so the mill got in contact with BioImp in order to assess the feasibility of the project.

The team conducted research into the anaerobic digestion of pomace and created a mathematical model of the AD apparatus in order to analyze cost and resource efficiencies. Ultimately, the project proved to be infeasible for several reasons, but mainly because of the high production rate of apple cider within a short period of time every year. Along with this mass production during the apple growing season comes a massive buildup of pomace. So, in order for the project to be successful, the mill would either have to build a massive storage unit for the pomace, or build a massive AD to process all of the pomace at once, neither of which was economically feasible or efficient.